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    on the face of it used when you are describing how a situation seems on the surface 从表面看;乍看起来 On the face of it, it seems like a bargain, but I bet there are hidden costs. 从表面上看这好像是便宜,但我肯定其中有些隐藏的费用。 Now on the face of it, that might sound like a good thing. 乍一听,这可能是件好事。
    嘤甜 5-7
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    pull your weight to do one's full share of the work;to work as hard as other people in a group 做好自己的份内事,干好本职工作 The others had complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight. 其他人抱怨说萨拉工作不尽职。 Well, speaking personally, I don't think she's pulling her weight. 就个人来说,我认为她没有做好份内的工作。
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    be (right) under your nose to be in a place that you can clearly see 就在(某人)眼前 I spent all morning looking for the book, and it was right under my nose the whole time. 我花了很长时间找这本书,原来它一直就在我眼皮底下呢。 She shoved the letter under her boss's nose (= made certain he saw it). 她把信推到老板面前。
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    五个从外太空来的小外星人,乘坐飞船来到地球上空,他们看到的是令他们非常失望的景象。 于是他们一个个都飞走了……绘本将数字和环保主题结合,可预测的重复性故事和朗朗上口的语句深受儿童的喜爱。 Five little men in a flying saucer flew round the world one day. 有一天,五个小人乘着飞碟环游世界, They looked left and right, but they didn’t like the sight. 他们左看右看,但是不喜欢看到的景象, So one man flew away! 所以一个小人飞走了。 Four little men in a flying saucer
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    godspeed used to wish someone good luck when they are setting out on a journey 祝成功;祝幸运;祝一路平安 这里的speed是其古意,表成功或繁荣。godspeed=May God speed (you),特别是被祝福之人要开始一段旅行或开拓事业时。因成功之人多充实且忙碌,所以speed后来有了快速之意。 "Farewell and godspeed," the general said, ending his speech, and then it was time to go. " “再见了,祝你一路顺风,”将军这样说道,结束了他的演讲,然后就是离开的时候了。
    嘤甜 3-22
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    stretch the truth stretch有“拉伸,伸展”的意思,我们常说的伸懒腰stretch oneself就用到了这个词。这里的truth是被伸展的对象,也就是说事实被夸大了,做了些延伸的解释 to say something that is not completely honest in order to make someone or something seem better than it really is 为了让某人或某事看起来比实际更好而说一些不完全诚实的话;夸大事实,言过其实 He was accused of stretching the truth about how much he had helped in the project. 他被指责夸大了自己在整个项目中的作用。
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    chorus /'kɔːrəs/ n. part of a song that is repeated several times, usually after each verse (= set of lines) (通常在歌曲每一节后的)副歌,合唱部分;合唱曲 I'll sing the verses and I'd like you all to join in the chorus. 我来唱主歌,我希望你们都加入副歌。 v. (of a group of people) to say similar things at the same time 齐声说;异口同声地说 "Not now," the children chorused in unison, "we're watching TV." “现在不要,”孩子们齐声嚷道,“我们正在看电视。”
    嘤甜 3-16
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    dispute /dɪˈspjuːt/ to disagree with something that someone says (对…)有异议;不赞同 Few would dispute his status as the finest artist of the period. 他是那个时期最好的艺术家,很少有人对此存有异议。 I don't dispute (that) his movies are entertaining, but they don't have much depth. 我并不否认他的电影具有娱乐价值,但这些电影都没有什么深度。
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    Today my class goes to the Sea Park. 今天我的班去海洋公园。It has so many fish.那里有很多的鱼。 There are little fish.There are big fish.有小的鱼,也有大的鱼。Some fish are pretty.有些鱼很漂亮。Some fish are really ugly.有些鱼真是非常丑。We all go to the petting tank. 我们一起到了摸动物的鱼池。I pet a horseshoe crab. 我摸了一下马蹄蟹。That is weird!它感觉好奇怪哦!Timothy falls into the tank.添掉进了鱼池。He meets an octopus. 他碰见了八爪鱼。He is not happy.他不太开心。I wish I could meet an octopu
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    动词是用来表示动作或状态的词。动词是英语中最重要的词汇,是句子的核心。几乎每个句子都必须有一个动词来担当谓语,说明主语是什么或做什么。因此,学好动词对提高自己的英语水平具有重要意义。今天和小编一起来看一下吧~ 1 动词原形及不定式的用法 动词原形的用法 1.除单三人称的一般现在时,其它人称作主语,动词用原形。2.将来时态shall, will, should, would之后用动词原形。3.祈使句句子开头用动词原形。 4.助动词do, does, did之后用动词原形
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    roll one's eyes If you roll your eyes, you move them so that you are looking up, to show that you consider someone or something stupid or silly. (表示认为某人或某事很愚蠢)翻(白眼),向上翻动(眼球) When he suggested they should buy a new car, she rolled her eyes in disbelief. 他建议说他们应该买辆新车,她翻了翻白眼,一副不相信的样子。
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    很多同学在写作文时基本上是简单句的堆砌,偶尔有复杂句,动不动就是单调的so,and,then,but 等关系词,没有特点不说,反而使句子结构显得松散、呆板。 因此,在表达相同含义时,时常试着换一种表达方式不仅会为作文挣得加分的可能,更有利于我们自己对英语写作保持成就感和新鲜感。 1 9类过渡词 类别1 开头常用短语It s said that... 据说……As we all know that... 我们都知道……It s well known that... 众所周知……As/So far as I know... 据我所知……It is clear
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    put/set someone straight to make certain that someone knows the real facts about a situation 确保(某人)了解实情;使(某人)了解真相 Don't worry, I set him straight (on this matter). 不用担心,我(把这件事)跟他说清楚了。 He thought I was a doctor of medicine, so I put him straight and told him I was a doctor of philosophy. 他以为我是个医学博士,所以我就把话说清楚,告诉他我是个哲学博士。
    嘤甜 2-24
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    thread Thread本义是线或者线状物、路线,作名词也可以用作一种抽象的含义,指贯穿某件事的部分,比如贯穿思想或对话的一条线,它们好像由thread连接在一起。 If you were distracted by a crash in the kitchen, you might lose the thread of your conversation. 如果你因为厨房里的碰撞而分心,你可能会失去谈话的thread。 Thread还可以指螺钉或螺栓外面凸起的脊状物,当你想要串或让线穿过针时,你也可以把thread用作动词。 The sound distracted me and I lost the thread of (= forgot) what I was s
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    let sleeping dogs lie said to warn someone that they should not talk about a bad situation that most people have forgotten about 过去的事就让它过去吧;不要再去揭伤疤 A: Should I ask the boss if he's upset at my coming in late in the mornings? 我应不应该问老板他是不是对我早上迟到感到不高兴? B: If he hasn't said anything about it, just let sleeping dogs lie. 如果他什么也没说,那就让过去的事过去吧。
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    once bitten, twice shy saying said when you are frightened to do something again because you had an unpleasant experience doing it the first time 当你因为第一次做这件事有了非常不愉快的感觉,而你开始害怕再次做它的时候你会使用这个谚语。 一次被咬,下次胆小;一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 Since Leila broke up with her boyfriend, she has become very cautious about starting any new relationship. Once bitten, twice shy, you know. 自从莱拉和男友分手后,她对开始新恋情就变得非常谨慎。你知道,一朝被蛇咬,十年怕
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    有一个在美的留学生, 在考国际驾照时因为过于紧张, 地上标线是向左转, 但他不放心地问考官:“turn left?” 监考官回答:“right!” 于是他考试…… 挂了…… 你看懂这个笑话的内涵了吗? 其实歪果仁也不是都用right来表示“你说得对”的, 什么情况可以用you are right呢? 就比方说 别人问你“你是英语专业的学生吗?” 恰好,你是 你就可以回答他说: You're quite right. 类似的,也可以说: 1Yes, that's right.2Yes, that's correct.3That's spot on. (spot o
    嘤甜 12-25
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    halcyon days /'hælsɪən/ 这个表达来自希腊的一个神话。说的是风神的女儿Alcyone,在得知她的丈夫在一次出海远行中不幸遇难后,悲痛欲绝最后自己也投身于了海洋之中。之后他们夫妻双双变成了飞翔于海上的鸟守护着海洋,后来鸟儿在海上筑巢,海上的风便保持平静14天。 于是人们就把海面上风平浪静的14天叫作halcyon days。在文学作品中往往用以喻指“太平岁月”或“美好时光”。如今,人们经常用这个表达,给人一种怀旧的感觉去指代他们的过去
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    greasy /ˈɡriː.si/ 沾满油脂的;含脂肪的;油腻的 任何含有或被滑溜溜的油脂覆盖的东西都是greasy,比方说你最爱吃的油炸食品是greasy,汽车引擎盖里有的部分也是greasy。任何oily油质的东西也都是greasy的。就比如说你哥哥是一个非常懒的人,也不爱干净,头发经常好几天不洗,那么你哥哥的头发就是greasy。Grease和greasy 都来自拉丁语词根,意思是脂肪fat。从这个词根上我们也可以把oil和它稍微区分一下。Oil的油说的是滑滑的液体,通常还能流动,而grease的
    嘤甜 11-17
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    lead (especially in sports or other competitions) to be in front, to be first, or to be winning (尤指在比赛中)领先,位居前列 After 30 minutes the challengers were leading by two goals. 30分钟过后挑战者已经领先两分。 With two laps to go Ned led by less than two seconds. 还剩下两圈时内德领先不到两秒钟。
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    经核实吧主财经环球播报 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 匠译时代翻译吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    blah, blah, blah /ˌblɑː blɑː ˈblɑː/ You use blah, blah, blah to refer to something that is said or written without giving the actual words, because you think that they are boring or unimportant. 你可以用blah, blah, blah来指代那些说出来或写出来的没有真实用词的东西,因为你觉得那些东西无聊或不重要。 (觉得厌烦,不想重复别人的话时说的)诸如此类,等等废话 The critics always say, "There’s no melody, the words are stupid, blah, blah, blah." 批评者们总是说它“不成曲调、歌词愚蠢,等等废话”。
    嘤甜 8-8
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    Go For Broke 这个俗语的来源说大多都和赌博有关。broke意思是失去所有的钱。To go for something的意思是尝试某事。因此,to go for broke的意思是试图通过赌博赚钱,同时冒着失去全部财产的风险。 A: I need some advice. 我需要建议。 B: Sure. What about? 好,是什么事儿? A: I’m not sure if I should ask my boss for a raise or not. 我不确定我该不该找我的老板提加薪的事儿。 B: You should absolutely do it! You deserve it. 你当然应该去!你应该被加薪! A: I know. But I’m worried that if I ask for the ra
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    Without further ado 废话少数,言归正传 在国外视频中经常可以听到,往往开头先介绍这个视频讲什么的,再切入正题,这时就会说"Without further ado, let's get started."当然在其他地方也可以用。 ado n. /əˈduː/ without wasting more time 不再浪费时间;立即;干脆 And so, without further ado, let me introduce tonight's speaker. 好了,我就闲话少叙,向大家介绍今晚的发言人。
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    Go For Broke 这个俗语的来源说大多都和赌博有关。broke意思是失去所有的钱。To go for something的意思是尝试某事。因此,to go for broke的意思是试图通过赌博赚钱,同时冒着失去全部财产的风险。 A: I need some advice. 我需要建议。 B: Sure. What about? 好,是什么事儿? A: I’m not sure if I should ask my boss for a raise or not. 我不确定我该不该找我的老板提加薪的事儿。 B: You should absolutely do it! You deserve it. 你当然应该去!你应该被加薪! A: I know. But I’m worried that if I ask for the ra
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    smug 如果你形容一个人smug,那么就是说这个人是对自己非常满意的。他经常会得意的笑或者说话时非常自以为是,挺着胸脯走路并且以自我为中心。Smug是modest(谦虚的)和unsure(不确定的)的反义词。 too pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know 沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的 There was a hint of smug self-satisfaction in her voice. 她的言语中流露出一丝自鸣得意。 He's been unbearably smug since he gave up smoking. 他戒烟之后,那个得意劲儿简直让人难以忍受。
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    Yael: Hey Don, see that guy over there? I'm always forgetting his name! 嘿,唐,看见那边那个人了么?我总记不住他叫什么! Don: Oh, you mean Matt? 哦,你是说马特? Y: Yeah, that's it! You know, it's really easy for me to remember some names, but others take a lot of work. 是的,就是他!你知道,有些名字对我来说很容易记住,但有些费很大劲都记不住。 D: Don't feel bad. It might be because Matt's face doesn't go with his name. 别难过。可能是因为马特的脸和他的名字不相称。 Y: What? How can
    嘤甜 6-20
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    ✘What time is it, now? ✔What time is it, please? What time is it now?是我们中式思维下得出的翻译,讲英语的时候其实必要说now,因为当你问出这句话时就是在问现在,在没有附加信息的情况下,你不可能问明天几点了?或者昨天几点了?所以加上now在老外看来纯属多此一举。 那什么时候可以加now呢? 当你问: 跟你所在地有时差的地方现在时间时会加now 比如,你在国外问北京现在的时间 What time is it in Beijing (right) now? 现在北京什么时间呢? 其它问时间的方式 除
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    while the going is good If you say that someone should do something while the going is good, you are advising them to do it while things are going well and they still have the opportunity, because you think it will become much more difficult to do. 如果你对某人说你应该做某事while the going is good,意思就是你建议某人趁着时机还好,还有机会赶紧去做某事,因为你认为错过现在以后就会更困难了。翻译为:趁还有机会时;趁情况还有利时;趁形势还未发生变化时 There's no traffic right now, so if you're driving, you sho
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    you've got me there! informal something that you say when you do not know the answer to a question 你把我难住了!我答不上来! "How many ounces in a kilo?" "You've got me there." “一公斤合多少盎司?” “你真把我难住了。”
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    give someone an inch and they'll take a mile saying said about someone who has been given a small amount of power or freedom to do something, and then has tried to get a lot more 得寸进尺 I have a colleague who always wants more than what has been given. Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile. 我有一个同事,他总是想要比别人给他的更多。得寸进尺说的就是他。
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    get/have your ducks in a row Get one's duck in a row,字面意思是,把某人的鸭子排成一排。其引申意就是,把事情安排妥当、使井井有条。 to be well prepared or well organized for something that is going to happen 为…而精心准备;安排得井井有条 They should have had their ducks in a row beforehand, so they were ready to start the job when required. 他们应该提前准备好,这样一接到要求就立刻可以开始工作。
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    while the going is good If you say that someone should do something while the going is good, you are advising them to do it while things are going well and they still have the opportunity, because you think it will become much more difficult to do. 如果你对某人说你应该做某事while the going is good,意思就是你建议某人趁着时机还好,还有机会赶紧去做某事,因为你认为错过现在以后就会更困难了。翻译为:趁还有机会时;趁情况还有利时;趁形势还未发生变化时 There's no traffic right now, so if you're driving, you sho
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    not half bad not half bad不是指“不太好”, 而是“一点也不坏”、“好极了”。 used for saying that someone or something is good, especially when they are better than you expected them to be 用来形容某人或某事很好,特别是当他们比你预期的要好时。 例: It’s one of the cheapest printers around, and it isn’t half bad. 这是附近最便宜的打印机之一,而且还挺不赖。 对not half bad的理解 It is a negation of thing being half 'bad', thus it is half-good, and the colloquialism grants that the half-good part quality of t
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    come from behind to succeed in winning after being in a losing position in a game (比赛中)成功实现逆转,后来居上 England came from behind to beat Scotland 2–1. 英格兰队成功实现逆转,以2比1战胜了苏格兰队。 We're going to come from behind and win this game, coach. 教练,我们会逆转局势赢得这个比赛。
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    (like) water off a duck's back 鸭子身上的毛就像雨衣一样,水在上面呆不住,一下全滑掉了。因此,water off a duck's back 是指毫无作用。 criticisms of or warnings to a particular person that have no effect on that person (批评或警诫对某人)像水过鸭背,毫无影响,不起作用 I've told him that he's heading for trouble, but he doesn't listen - it's just water off a duck's back. 我已经告诉过他会有麻烦的,可是他不听——说了也白说,根本毫无作用。
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    be hell-bent on sth. If you are hell-bent on doing something, it means you are extremely determined. But not only determined it means you are determined in a reckless way; you will do ANYTHING to accomplish your goal, even if it's harmful or immoral or even if accomplishing that goal might not be a good thing. If you are hell-bent on doing it, you don't care. You are determined to do it no matter what. 如果你hell-bent去做某事,意思就是你非常坚定的。但它又不仅意味着坚定,而且还是一种不顾后果的坚定;你愿意做任何事情来实现你的目标
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    step by step dealing with one thing and then another thing in a fixed order 逐步地,按部就班地,循序渐进地 step-by-step instructions 逐步讲解的使用说明 Don't worry - I'll go through the procedure with you step by step. 别担心——我会和你一起一步一步地把整套程序过一遍。
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    该用法来自谚语: Grasp the nettle and it won't sting you. (大胆抓荆棘,荆棘不刺手。你不怕困难,困难就怕你。)如果轻碰荨麻很刺手,但是紧握反而不刺手。于是grasp the nettle就表示"迎难而上; 知难而进; 大胆抓棘手问题"。 to force yourself to be brave and do something that is difficult or unpleasant 迫使自己迎难而上;果断处理棘手的问题;破釜沉舟 You've been putting off making that phone call for days - I think it's about time you grasped the nettle! 那个电话你拖了好几天都没有打
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    当疫情来临, 总有一些人负重前行与之抗衡。 他们就是“白衣天使”。 这个词也是这些天出现在我们耳边最多的词之一。 那“白衣天使”英语怎么说呢? ”白衣天使“ 其实就是穿着白色衣服的天使 “穿...颜色的衣服”用in+ 颜色表示 in white: 穿白色衣服 in red: 穿红色衣服 所以, “白衣天使”应该是: angel in white 例: Shift became angel in white people indispensable duty. 值夜班成了白衣天使们必不可少的职责。 医生护士们身上穿的“白大褂” 英文是:white robe
    嘤甜 2-22
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    chew the fat informal Chew是人和动物最基本的行为之一,从十三世纪起,chew常用来比喻深思熟虑、沉思和讨论。chew the fat俗语,表示“非正式的谈话或讨论,海阔天空的闲谈。” 在二十世纪之前的英国,chew the fat和“抱怨、嘀咕”的意思非常相近。到了二十世纪早期,chew the fat开始有了现在这个含义。为什么咀嚼fat就是“闲聊”呢?关于这个被用来咀嚼的fat到底是什么,有不同的说法,最有可能的一种说法是指盐腌猪肉或类似的干肉。come over and chew the fat
    嘤甜 2-15
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    wipe the smile off sb's face to make someone feel less happy or confident, especially someone who is annoying you because they think they are very clever 让(某人)不再得意(或高兴) Tell him you saw Helena at the cinema with another guy - that should wipe the smile off his face! 告诉他,你在电影院里看见海伦娜和另外一个家伙在一起——这样他就不会再那么洋洋得意了!
    嘤甜 2-7
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    take it from me (also take my word for it) 从字面上看好像在说从我这拿走什么东西,拿走什么东西呢?大概就是我说的话吧,把我的话当作可信的话放心拿走。 accept that what I say is true, because I know or have experienced it 听我的吧,我说的不会错 It won't work - take it from me. 那不会管用的——相信我说的吧。
    嘤甜 1-29
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    wipe the smile off sb's face to make someone feel less happy or confident, especially someone who is annoying you because they think they are very clever 让(某人)不再得意(或高兴) Tell him you saw Helena at the cinema with another guy - that should wipe the smile off his face! 告诉他,你在电影院里看见海伦娜和另外一个家伙在一起——这样他就不会再那么洋洋得意了!
    嘤甜 1-14

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